Thornless Honeylocust 'Gledistia Triacanthos var. inermis'
Thornless Honeylocust 'Gledistia Triacanthos var. inermis'
Thornless Honeylocust 'Gledistia Triacanthos var. inermis'
Thornless Honeylocust 'Gledistia Triacanthos var. inermis'
Thornless Honeylocust 'Gledistia Triacanthos var. inermis'
Thornless Honeylocust 'Gledistia Triacanthos var. inermis'

Thornless Honeylocust 'Gledistia Triacanthos var. inermis'

Regular price$26.99
  • This Thornless Honeylocust 'Gledistia Triacanthos var. inermis' ships in a 2 pack of ABP which is a 3X3X6 growing container provides ample room for root systems to develop in one growing season without become root bound, or restricted in growth
Size chart

The Honeylocust (Gleditsia Triacanthos var. inermis) is a charming and versatile deciduous tree known for its graceful, fern-like foliage and strong presence in any landscape. With its appealing characteristics, it makes an excellent addition to gardens, parks, and streetscapes. Its adaptability and low maintenance requirements make it a fantastic addition to any outdoor space, offering year-round interest and functionality.


Full sun

Attracts birds, bees and butterflies

Small fragrant yellow/green flowers

Native to North America

Pet safe, non-toxic

Additional features: Native and Pet Safe

This Thornless Honey Locust ships in a 1 or 2 pack of ABP which is a 3X3X6 growing container provides ample room for root systems to develop in one growing season without become root bound, or restricted in growth.

Size: Can reach a mature size of 30.00 to 40.00 feet

Light: Honeylocust trees thrive in full sun but can tolerate partial shade. Full sun is 6+ hours of direct sunlight.

Hardiness: 3- 8

Native: Native to North America

Characteristics: The Honeylocust features delicate, bipinnately compound leaves that give the tree a lacy, airy appearance. The leaves are bright green during the growing season and turn a striking yellow in the fall. Young trees have smooth greenish-brown bark that matures to a rough, textured, and gray-brown bark, adding interest to the winter landscape.

Soil & Water: They adapt well to a variety of soil types, including clay, loam, and sandy soils. Well-drained soil is essential. Established trees are moderately drought-tolerant, but regular watering is crucial during the first few years of growth. Once mature, they can handle dry conditions. A balanced tree fertilizer can be applied in early spring to promote healthy growth.

It's important to note that while this Honeylocust variety is thornless, some thorns may occur naturally, albeit less in number and smaller in size compared to the thorned varieties. These minimal thorns, if present, are usually not a cause for concern and should not deter you from planting this tree. The aesthetic and practical benefits of the Honeylocust far outweigh any minor thorn-related considerations.

Choose a suitable location with enough space for the tree to grow to its full size.
Dig a hole twice the width of the root ball and at the same depth.
Gently remove the tree from its container or burlap and place it in the hole.
Backfill with soil and water thoroughly to settle the soil.
Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to help conserve moisture and suppress weeds.
Water regularly during the establishment period (first couple of years).

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Hardiness zone for this plant: 4 - 8

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Mark Forshag
Healthy, four feet tall

Delivered in great shape three days after submitting the order.

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TriStar Plants

Thornless Honeylocust 'Gledistia Triacanthos var. inermis'

The Honeylocust tree has a rich history of traditional uses among indigenous Native American tribes. Various parts of the tree were utilized for practical purposes. For example, the strong, flexible branches were often employed in the construction of tools and basketry. Additionally, the seeds were a source of nourishment, with some tribes grinding them into a flour for making bread. The tree's thorns, if present, served as needles for sewing, and the inner bark had applications in traditional medicine. This history of resourcefulness and sustainability showcases the deep connection between people and the Honeylocust throughout North American history.


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