Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana is a rare, dwarf succulent perennial with leaves in a rosette. It is one of the smallest of the gasterias, each rosette reaching only about 25 mm in height. Leaves are dark green, mottled with cream-colored spots. Flowers are small, only about 2cm long, bicolored reddish-pink and green. Gasterias are small, shallow-rooted and slow growing. They grow in small clusters and do best in wide shallow pots. Over time, clusters with grow in size as the mother plants produces smaller plantlets.
Bright LightÂ
Drought tolerant once established.
Red /Pink flowers, non-fragrant
Additional features: Drought Tolerant and Pet Safe
Hardiness zone for this plant: 10 - 11

TriStar Plants
Gasteria Bicolor var. Liliputana